A full diabetes foot care service is offered at Physical Healthcare to help decrease the potential risk of diabetes-related foot problems. During your consultation, our podiatrists will undertake a series of tests of the nerves and circulation to determine likely risks of complications linked to diabetes.
Damage to the blood vessels and nerves can occur with high levels of sugar in the body. This may lead to loss of sensation or reduction in circulation to the feet, increasing the risk of ongoing foot complications.
At Physical Healthcare we work together with your GP, diabetic educator or other health care practitioner to provide professional advice and treatment to help decrease your risk of foot complications.
If you would like to learn more about our services in diabetic podiatry, then Preston, Sydenham and St Kilda locals will find a clinic close by. If those locations aren’t convenient then contact us to find out which of our eleven Physical Healthcare clinics is closest to you.
Please call our central reservations for your nearest location and to arrange your Podiatry appointment