Cam Boot/Walker Fittings
Cam Boot/Walker Fittings

Cam Boot/Walker Fittings

Ankle and feet injuries are complicated and can often require protection from overloading or overworking these joints. The aim of protecting these joints is to prevent reinjury and promote recovery. Unlike arm or hand injuries, it’s difficult to avoid using our ankle or feet as they are constantly required for moving around. Assistive devices such as ankle bracing or crutches offer varying levels of protection but may not be appropriate depending on the severity or location of injury. By using an orthopaedic device such as a CAM boot, this can offer protection to the region whilst encouraging greater independence.

What is a CAM boot?

A CAM or Controlled Ankle Motion boot is an adjustable device that limits ankle and foot movement. A standard CAM boot comprises of a flexible liner (which the foot fits into) and a rigid shell (which supports and protects the leg). Although the CAM boot serves a similar purpose to a plaster cast, it offers greater comfort and the ability to be taken off. Additionally, the boot permits the user to continue walking whilst minimising the stress through the foot. However, it’s important that the boot is fitted on by a qualified physiotherapist or clinician to ensure that the boot is serving its purpose correctly.

When should I wear a CAM boot?

A CAM boot should only be worn after a consultation with a qualified health professional such as a physiotherapist or medical doctor. These health professionals will recommend whether the presenting condition requires a CAM boot or whether alternative management is required. Various factors will be considered when making this decision such as the nature, location and severity of the injury.

Cam Boot/Walker Fittings

Typically, the main indications for CAM boots are mild to severe leg, ankle and foot injuries which can include:

  • Stress fractures
  • Ankle sprains
  • Post-operative immobilisation
  • Stable fractures of the foot and ankle
  • Lisfranc injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries (e.g. Achilles tear/rupture)
  • Plantar fascia
  • Metatarsalgia (pain under the balls of the forefoot)

Important considerations when wearing a CAM boot

Several considerations (as written below) should be made when selecting and wearing a boot which are listed below. Please consult with our physiotherapists in Preston about any advice or recommendations when selecting a specific boot.

Cam Boot/Walker Fittings

Selecting a boot

  • Correct size (an improper fit could compromise protection of the affected area)
  • Choosing between a short or long CAM boot
  • Pneumatic air compression for additional support
  • Presence of a rocker sole to encourage normal walking patterns

Wearing a boot

  • Your physiotherapist will advise you of the duration and fitting of the CAM boot depending on the specific condition.
  • Deflating the pneumatic air cells when taking the boot off AND inflating the cells when wearing the boot.
  • Elevation on the unaffected leg to encourage same leg length and normal walking patterns.
  • Adhering to the lifestyle recommendations and a home exercise programme to speed up recovery


Please call use on 9416 9955 to schedule in an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapists to ensure you are receiving a correct CAM boot fitting. Alternatively, please do not hesitate to enquire further about this by calling us or emailing us at

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